Missed a week on the diary. Last lesson though, we worked a wing sweep.
From the back, opponent standing, hook a left leg outside his right, right foot in his hip. Half turn onto your left side and pivot the right hip so the knee comes to his chest, foot goes under his leg. Right hand digs deep into his right lapel. Left hand grabs his left and pulls it across towards your left shoulder. Release the right hand. Sit up a bit and put the right hand over to grab his back - belt, gi, anything. Lie back down in an arc as you pull with the arm and sweep with the leg describing a nice big circle. He will come off the ground and land next to you. You use the momentum to come up into side control.
Rolling was tough. I alternated rolling and sitting out over the rounds. I think after a few lessons, at least I can sort of make out what people are doing, but trying to pick out techniques from watching is difficult.
Rolled with a blue belt who was super kind - he was rolling slow, giving me time to figure little things out - for example gave me just enough space to work on shrimping out of side control even though he could have crushed me and arm barred me easily. A couple of white belt rolls. I've noticed the higher belts tend to roll without much explanation - the white belts are keen to tell me what to do. Interesting. One white belt very strong - has a good technique where he grabs the lapels and fakes and then yanks down. Countering this amount to stretching his arms out and gripping his elbows pushing up slightly. Stops him flexing. Other things I tried were laying my arms over his and going with the pull, just preempting it a bit to take his timing off and then slipping out to one side under his arm to break the grip. The other effective technique was just leaning on his radial nerve. Mean, but it worked.
Bashed my ear up a bit - some light bruising. Probably time to get some headguard or something. When you start getting older, it takes longer to heal, and sleeping on a bruised ear hurts. I feel a tiny bit ashamed to wear a headguard to be honest. Don't know why. Oh well.
From the back, opponent standing, hook a left leg outside his right, right foot in his hip. Half turn onto your left side and pivot the right hip so the knee comes to his chest, foot goes under his leg. Right hand digs deep into his right lapel. Left hand grabs his left and pulls it across towards your left shoulder. Release the right hand. Sit up a bit and put the right hand over to grab his back - belt, gi, anything. Lie back down in an arc as you pull with the arm and sweep with the leg describing a nice big circle. He will come off the ground and land next to you. You use the momentum to come up into side control.
Rolling was tough. I alternated rolling and sitting out over the rounds. I think after a few lessons, at least I can sort of make out what people are doing, but trying to pick out techniques from watching is difficult.
Rolled with a blue belt who was super kind - he was rolling slow, giving me time to figure little things out - for example gave me just enough space to work on shrimping out of side control even though he could have crushed me and arm barred me easily. A couple of white belt rolls. I've noticed the higher belts tend to roll without much explanation - the white belts are keen to tell me what to do. Interesting. One white belt very strong - has a good technique where he grabs the lapels and fakes and then yanks down. Countering this amount to stretching his arms out and gripping his elbows pushing up slightly. Stops him flexing. Other things I tried were laying my arms over his and going with the pull, just preempting it a bit to take his timing off and then slipping out to one side under his arm to break the grip. The other effective technique was just leaning on his radial nerve. Mean, but it worked.
Bashed my ear up a bit - some light bruising. Probably time to get some headguard or something. When you start getting older, it takes longer to heal, and sleeping on a bruised ear hurts. I feel a tiny bit ashamed to wear a headguard to be honest. Don't know why. Oh well.
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